We started today by quickly solving the worlds problems during breakfast with Joyce and Rick. I ( not Dave) then ended the day indulging in the type of behaviour that causes some of those problems. Having had more than my fair share of beer and wine in a celebratory get together with Jennies cousin, Janet and hubby Robb, I'm now typing with drooping lids and the early start of a headache. An excellent night has been had.
I didn't take many pictures as we rode up in a nagging drizzle not conducive to photography.
The one picture shows the ferry doors being closed with Dave in the distance. How he managed to get his bike on board but still almost be left behind I do not know.
My lovely mom in law told me I have to remove the earlier pic of Dave looking like a drooling Neanderthal. It's done Audre but because I'm mildly drunk I mixed up the order of my blog and so day 3 comes before day 1 and im blaming it on you! I think. Maybe I'm just a little drunk. Oh whatever..
Fabulous that you made it to Janet and Robb! Give them a huge hug(carefull, Robb has cracked ribs) from me! sounds like you are having a great time..rock on, c&*% out!! hahahahahahahaha!