Monday, 26 August 2013

Day 6: Lillooet, BC

Wow what a day. I'm still deciding whether I'm elated ( yes) or just plain shattered (yes). Today was our first off road day on the Trans Canada trail. This included an optional challenge section of 120km. In total we rode 320km which doesn't sound like much until you add the challenge bit in. We finally got into Lillooet at 8pm and rarely have I been so glad to see civilisation again!
Anyway the day started at a leisurely pace with a transport stage to Pemberton. We had to spend some quality time with the laptop there as the GPS wasn't working properly. Thank god we did or we'd still be out there now. Anyway we then rode on a pylon service road to and past Lake Anderton. The pics of Dave high above the water are taken there beautiful but pity about the power lines. We had lunch in a little First Nations ( not on the culinary stakes) restaurant.
We then headed north on the challenge diversion which for the first 80km was very straightforward. It then abruptly changed into the most difficult riding I have ever tackled on such a big bike.
Having just commented to each other that perhaps the Kiwi definition of challenge is different to the Canadian, we ( me more than Dave) were brought down a peg or 2 very quickly. It started with a boggy water crossing (past the point of no return from a fuel perspective) that had the water over my saddle. Thank god the air intake on the 990 is at the very top of the bike or it would have been a disaster. From there we had a series of very loose and steep rutted hill climbs and descents interspersed with more smaller bog holes. I dropped my bike twice but thankfully no major damage done.
Ego bruised more than the body.
Judy, if you are reading this I did exactly what we agreed I shouldn't and have paid the price!
Anyway we then rode out through a warren of ATV trails and eventually into Lillooet after an endless forestry service road. We had exactly 1 litre of petrol left each. My shattered nerves.
Dave of course was just thrilled and couldn't have been happier.
To be fair it was awesome riding.
Tomorrow is an easier and apparently a very scenic day.
A smattering of pics from today. I wish I could show you more images of this beautiful and remote country. The pictures were taken with little thought. I shall up my game.


  1. How's the shoulder holding up? The day sounded epic.EPIC!!!! Have a beer or two and remember you have 4 more weeks to go!

  2. I followed you all day (and into the night) on the Tracker! You are both going to turn into pumpkins if you stay out so late. And you know what they do to pumpkins around here.
