Monday, 9 September 2013

Day 20: Gunnison, Colorado

Happy 9th birthday Julius. I thought of you lots today and hopefully you noticed some of the happy thoughts I sent your way.
For Dave and I we had another fantastic day. We left Aspen having donned our wet weather gear. After a few spits of rain it dried out leaving us sweltering. That pattern repeated itself several times during the course of the day. We rode across the Hagerman pass which follows a valley north of Aspen. This was an excellent moderately technical climb to over 11 000 feet that afforded both great views as well as fun flowy lines. At the top we met Richard and Jimmy, also on bikes. They are a father and son combo enjoying a few days riding together. Jimmy is doing the Trans American Trail we tackled last year. We had a most enjoyable chat and parted company having made a brief but nice connection.
From there down a great downhill back to Leadville for the third time and lunch.
In the afternoon we rode south and tackled Hancock's pass again. Those of you that read my blog from the last trip might recall Hancocks presenting a significant crux move for us. Since then I have grown a third testicle. The consequence of that is that I was able to enjoy the challenge whilst being only mildly terrified. Once again we managed it with no issues. I have put a few pictures from Daves Go-pro on board camera that give a sense of the technical challenge of the pass.
Note Daves huge grin in the pictures below reflecting the sense of relief and achievement at the top.
I shall sleep well tonight.
Last time we were here I commented in the different motorcyclists waves. This time we have worked out that for back country biking and ATV communication the correct form is to indicate how many vehicles are following you. A raised fist means you are the last vehicle in your group. You can imagine the confusion I have caused in the Rockies by giving everybody a cheery 5 finger wave.
You live and learn.
I'm afraid I will have to post the Go-pro photos at a later date. My technical assistant has fallen asleep prior to completing the job!


  1. You, dear boys, are having a fabulous time!!!!Rock on!

  2. The last time it was a "cramp in your sphincter" and now we learn that you have "grown a third testicle".
    This must have something to do with the name of the Pass.
